Abû Hurayrah relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Islam began strange, and it will become strange again just like it was at the beginning, so blessed are the strangers.” [Sahîh Muslim (1/130)]

Saturday, April 12, 2014

What this blog is about...

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim

Asalam-u-Alaikum! What I am attempting is with this blog is give a Muslim perspective, off the beaten path. I consider myself a struggling Muslim, struggling not with my belief in Allah (sbt) or His Deen, but with being faithful to His Deen in an increasingly shifting modern context.

As stated by our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islam began as something strange (ghareeb) and will return to this state. The onset of modernity has seen similar to this effect, with the spirit and practice of Islam often seeming at odds with the pillars of modernity. Of course, many other Muslims may suggest complete harmony between the ways of 'progress' and Islam. Regardless, among the Umma there is a tremendous sense of what sociologists refer to as 'anomie' - a disconnect caused by the loss of traditional values in the wider society.
The goal of this blog is perhaps to shed some light on the bigger picture of the world we live in and on some of the fundamental design flaws of modernity that we as Muslims should question, as well as some of the day to day issues we Muslim Moderns face. Perhaps the sense of otherworldliness Muslims may feel at times may not be such a bad thing. Perhaps we should embrace the strange if it means keeping true to our faith. This entails not a wholesale rejection of anything and everything modern, nor an uncritical acceptance. Rather, we need to use our Islamic traditions as our primary guide.

As someone who would struggle to qualify for even being a student of the Deen, I don't lay any claim to scholarly verdicts. This are merely my observations and may Allah forgive me for my faults. Ameen!

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